Linkwitz Lab site is loaded with a wealth of information about audio and loudspeakers.
Excellent resource for audio/video information. Resource Quick Links, left column, features test results on amps, preamps, and speakers by Canada's National Research Council (NRC).
An indispensable resource for independent driver tests & speaker building. |
TNT-Audio has discussions on a variety of audio topics. Get Active! explains why active crossovers are the only way to go. |
A series of articles about information theory and the digital/analog controversy. Written in plain english for the non-technical. Very interesting—a must read. |
A lengthy article about transducers from a historic perspective and The Art of Speaker Design. |
A series of music and test signals with varying degrees of distortion. Use headphones to take the tests and see how your results compare with others.
Roger Russell's audio Truth and Humor - fun and educational. |
Ethan Winer, musician and recording engineer. His website is filled with solid information and humorous tidbits. |
Don Morrison tells it like it is. His company produces an omnidirectional loudspeaker worth a look. |
Articles by TAS contributor Robert E. Greene about recording techniques, stereo imaging, concert hall acoustics. He presents an opinion on speaker dispersion and room interaction in contrast to that presented here. |
Musician, geek, and self proclaimed hacker, Gordie Freedman, has the perspicacity to expose audiophilia and uncover the psyche of the audiophile. Don't read this if you're thin skinned. |
Developer of the ABX double blind comparator for audio (1980-1987). Site shows test results and has references to books and periodicals about double blind testing. Top link home, bottom link to the data. |
and oh, my other website. . . |