Survey #2
How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
professional reviews
user reviews
friend's recommendations
dealer recommendations
independent testing
my own research/auditions
When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
using my own familiar recordings
auditioning in a home or home-like environment
auditioning in my own home, with my own components
ample time for the audition
auditioning at a dealership
tradeshow demonstations
Rate the importance of each of these attributes.
tonal balance
Thank You

Do you consider yourself an audiophile?

Answers % #
yes 82.47 80
no 17.53 17


Do you believe tubes or transistors sound better?

Answers % #
tubes 39.18 38
transistors 11.34 11
no preference 49.48 48


Do you believe digital (CD) or analog (LP) sounds better?

Answers % #
digital 20.62 20
analog 48.45 47
no preference 30.93 30


How often do you buy/sell equipment, upgrade, or make changes to your system?

Answers % #
very frequently, many times a year 10.31 10
frequently, at least once a year 22.68 22
infrequently, less than once a year 25.77 25
very infrequently, every three years or less 41.24 40


As an overall goal, what are you trying to achieve?

Answers % #
a personally tailored sound 36.08 35
an objectively realistic sound 63.92 62


What is most important to you when listening to your system?

Answers % #
tonal balance 23.71 23
treble 1.03 1
midrange 12.37 12
bass 2.06 2
soundstage/imaging 29.90 29
clarity/detail 25.77 25
dynamics/transients 5.15 5


Where do most systems fall short?

Answers % #
tonal balance 18.56 18
treble 2.06 2
midrange 9.28 9
bass 5.15 5
soundstage/imaging 24.74 24
clarity/detail 21.65 21
dynamics/transients 18.56 18


How much time and energy do you put into choosing a piece of equipment?

Answers % #
intensive, numerous sources and auditions over many months 30.93 30
relatively thorough, several sources and auditions 32.99 32
moderate, a few sources and auditions 14.43 14
relatively little, I rely only on my ears 21.65 21


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."

primary influence very influential moderately influential not very influential never an influence
professional reviews 4.12% 12.37% 44.33% 32.99% 6.19%
user reviews 3.09% 19.59% 42.27% 27.84% 7.22%
friend's recommendations 3.09% 20.62% 35.05% 26.8% 14.43%
dealer recommendations 1.03% 4.12% 27.84% 49.48% 17.53%
specifications 5.15% 13.4% 35.05% 31.96% 14.43%
brochures/webistes/advertising 1.03% 3.09% 22.68% 41.24% 31.96%
independent testing 8.25% 25.77% 42.27% 15.46% 8.25%
my own research/auditions 68.04% 26.8% 5.15% 0% 0%


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
professional reviews

Answers % #
primary influence 4.12 4
very influential 12.37 12
moderately influential 44.33 43
not very influential 32.99 32
never an influence 6.19 6


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
user reviews

Answers % #
primary influence 3.09 3
very influential 19.59 19
moderately influential 42.27 41
not very influential 27.84 27
never an influence 7.22 7


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
friend's recommendations

Answers % #
primary influence 3.09 3
very influential 20.62 20
moderately influential 35.05 34
not very influential 26.80 26
never an influence 14.43 14


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
dealer recommendations

Answers % #
primary influence 1.03 1
very influential 4.12 4
moderately influential 27.84 27
not very influential 49.48 48
never an influence 17.53 17


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."

Answers % #
primary influence 5.15 5
very influential 13.40 13
moderately influential 35.05 34
not very influential 31.96 31
never an influence 14.43 14


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."

Answers % #
primary influence 1.03 1
very influential 3.09 3
moderately influential 22.68 22
not very influential 41.24 40
never an influence 31.96 31


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
independent testing

Answers % #
primary influence 8.25 8
very influential 25.77 25
moderately influential 42.27 41
not very influential 15.46 15
never an influence 8.25 8


How influential is each of the following in making your decisions? Please choose only one "primary influence."
my own research/auditions

Answers % #
primary influence 68.04 66
very influential 26.80 26
moderately influential 5.15 5
not very influential 0.00 0
never an influence 0.00 0


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?

ideal, highly important very important moderately important not very important not at all important
using my own familiar recordings 65.98% 25.77% 6.19% 1.03% 1.03%
auditioning in a home or home-like environment 27.84% 43.3% 19.59% 7.22% 2.06%
auditioning in my own home, with my own components 64.95% 19.59% 9.28% 5.15% 1.03%
ample time for the audition 53.61% 27.84% 14.43% 2.06% 2.06%
auditioning at a dealership 3.09% 13.4% 40.21% 30.93% 12.37%
tradeshow demonstations 2.06% 4.12% 16.49% 36.08% 41.24%


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
using my own familiar recordings

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 65.98 64
very important 25.77 25
moderately important 6.19 6
not very important 1.03 1
not at all important 1.03 1


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
auditioning in a home or home-like environment

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 27.84 27
very important 43.30 42
moderately important 19.59 19
not very important 7.22 7
not at all important 2.06 2


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
auditioning in my own home, with my own components

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 64.95 63
very important 19.59 19
moderately important 9.28 9
not very important 5.15 5
not at all important 1.03 1


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
ample time for the audition

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 53.61 52
very important 27.84 27
moderately important 14.43 14
not very important 2.06 2
not at all important 2.06 2


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
auditioning at a dealership

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 3.09 3
very important 13.40 13
moderately important 40.21 39
not very important 30.93 30
not at all important 12.37 12


When you audition something, how important is each of the following?
tradeshow demonstations

Answers % #
ideal, highly important 2.06 2
very important 4.12 4
moderately important 16.49 16
not very important 36.08 35
not at all important 41.24 40


How much time do you need to fully evaluate a piece of equipment?

Answers % #
minutes 8.25 8
hours 31.96 31
days 30.93 30
weeks 20.62 20
months 8.25 8


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

very high priority high priority moderate priority low priority not a priority
tonal balance 48.45% 38.14% 12.37% 1.03% 0%
treble 16.49% 50.52% 30.93% 1.03% 1.03%
midrange 42.27% 42.27% 13.4% 1.03% 1.03%
bass 18.56% 47.42% 27.84% 5.15% 1.03%
soundstage/imaging 49.48% 31.96% 14.43% 3.09% 1.03%
clarity/detail 60.82% 30.93% 8.25% 0% 0%
dynamics/transients 37.11% 48.45% 14.43% 0% 0%


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.
tonal balance

Answers % #
very high priority 48.45 47
high priority 38.14 37
moderate priority 12.37 12
low priority 1.03 1
not a priority 0.00 0


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 16.49 16
high priority 50.52 49
moderate priority 30.93 30
low priority 1.03 1
not a priority 1.03 1


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 42.27 41
high priority 42.27 41
moderate priority 13.40 13
low priority 1.03 1
not a priority 1.03 1


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 18.56 18
high priority 47.42 46
moderate priority 27.84 27
low priority 5.15 5
not a priority 1.03 1


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 49.48 48
high priority 31.96 31
moderate priority 14.43 14
low priority 3.09 3
not a priority 1.03 1


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 60.82 59
high priority 30.93 30
moderate priority 8.25 8
low priority 0.00 0
not a priority 0.00 0


Rate the importance of each of these attributes.

Answers % #
very high priority 37.11 36
high priority 48.45 47
moderate priority 14.43 14
low priority 0.00 0
not a priority 0.00 0


How close have you come to realizing your audio goals?

Answers % #
not even close 7.22 7
headed in the right direction 28.87 28
just about satisfied 43.30 42
about as close as can be 16.49 16
it's nirvana 4.12 4


How does your system sound relative to live unamplified acoustic instruments?

Answers % #
doesn't sound very live 10.31 10
sounds fairly live 12.37 12
sounds sometimes live, sometimes not so 40.21 39
sounds almost lifelike 30.93 30
sounds so real it's scary 6.19 6


If you could make one improvement to your system, what would it be?

Answers % #
improve clarity/detail 15.46 15
improve soundstage/imaging 18.56 18
improve dynamics/transients 15.46 15
improve bass and/or treble extension 13.40 13
improve tonal balance 14.43 14
other, please specify: 22.68 22
     Source Materials 1.03 1
     larger sound room 1.03 1
     the room 1.03 1
     Recorded music is remote from live 1.03 1
     improve slightly midrange warmth 1.03 1
     nothing 1.03 1
     longer decay on instruments 1.03 1
     improve naturalness of midrange 1.03 1
     timberal accuracy 1.03 1
     improve transparency 1.03 1
     lower the noise floor for improved micro dynamics & inner detail presence. 1.03 1
     ability to play louder cleanly, not so important truthfully. 1.03 1
     the room 1.03 1
     available to more people 1.03 1
     bettter room acoustics/listening environment 1.03 1
     New Room 1.03 1
     LARGER ROOM 1.03 1
     Speakers need to completely disappear IE no driver or cabinet artifacts then it would sound LIVE 1.03 1
     midrange 1.03 1
     remove harshness 1.03 1
     Get better amp to run mains full spectrum and ditch the sub for music 1.03 1
     none 1.03 1


How much does cost influence your performance goals?

Answers % #
Budget overrides, I'll settle for less 6.19 6
I seek the highest value within my budget 40.21 39
I'll stretch my budget for higher performance 38.14 37
Performance trumps budget when it meets my goals 12.37 12
I go for the highest performance regardless of cost 3.09 3


OPTIONAL QUESTION. In the last survey there was a large percentage who had an investment in their primary system greater than $10,000. The following question is for those who fall into that category. How much do you have invested in your primary system?

Answers % #
$10k to $19.9k 46.67 28
$20k to $39.9k 25.00 15
$40k to $79.9k 18.33 11
$80k or more 10.00 6
[Skipped] [37]
